Sunday, May 30, 2010

Is It Time!

I was always interested in the mystery of life and the universe. I read books on astrology, numerology, feng shu, palmistry, i-ching and other religious subject. When I saw the slow death of the grandmother, I began to search for the answer of where we go after death. What was the point of living when one has to die! I never know the answer until now.

I was in my final year at school when my schoolmate told his parents about me. They invited me to stay with them. The parents liked to play mahjong and poker games. His father was a civil servant and most of the gamblers were neighbors from the nearby government quarters. There was gambling session everyday. I helped to clean up the place at the end of the day.

One day a stranger came to gamble and he took a look at my palms. He told me that I would have three families and five children. I did not believe him then. How could anyone foresee my future by looking at the palms!

A few years later I did an astrological chart of myself based on my time, date of birth and the location of my birthplace. It was astonishing and mystical. According to my chart I would be a recluse one day. I was afraid and stopped my research.

During my years of depression I met someone who was familiar with ‘the book of three lives’. She told me that having being sick I would be visited by seven persons before my timely death. Strangely I got sick recently and seven persons visited me. I seldom get sick not even a cold or cough. I am feeling better now. I am not sure if it is time but I have the sudden urge to write this blog as my legacy. My mind is so clear on what I need to write. I do not normally have this kind of concentration. Is it a premonition! I am not afraid of death. I do not want to be a burden to anybody. My final wish is to be cremated and my ashes to the blue ocean not the river. This will be Alex’s duty as my son.

Just before my daughters’ mother left for Australia at the beginning of the year, I told her that she may not see me again when she returned.

I still have a lot more to write. So let me finish what I have set out to do.

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